These Are The Cat Breeds Most Compatible With Your Zodiac Sign And Russian Nebelung Paint

russian nebelung paint

Russian Nebelung Paint

woman holding long-haired cat on her couch; which cat breed is best for you based on your sign Paul Aiken / EyeEm / Getty Whether you're looking for a lap kitty who'll snuggle up with you and start purring up a storm every time you hit the couch or an active cat who's ready to throw on a harness and hit the great outdoors, you're sure to have some idea of what you want in a feline friend before adopting. And when thinking about the type of cat you're most compatible with, it's worth considering your zodiac sign as well. After all, the sun sign you were born under can help shape many aspects of your life, so it could point you toward a cat whose personality and style truly resonates with you. Below, find out which cat breeds are most compatible with eeach zodiac sign. And if you know your moon sign, which influences your emotional personality, or rising sign, which is how you present yourself to the world, be sure to take those into consideration as well. RELATED: These Are the Dog Breeds Most Compatible With Your Zodiac Sign Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Aries Abyssinian cat on staircase anobis / Getty Abyssinians are known for their large ears, watchful eyes, and distinct reddish-brown coat. If you were born between March 21 and April 19, you were born under cardinal fire sign Aries, ruled by Mars, the planet of action,...

Russian Blue Cat

by their round heads and chubby cheeks. If you were born between April 20 and May 20, your sun sign is fixed earth sign Taurus, ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure, beauty, romance, and creativity. You're down-to-earth and prize being comfy, cozy, and moving at your own pace, which is usually pretty leisurely. The kitty that best matches your zodiac sign is the British shorthair, whose loyal, loving, and relaxed attitudenot to mention pretty facereflects your own demeanor. Story continues Other calm breeds that'll suit your chilled-out, grounded personality: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Gemini Oriental Shorthair kitten with a chocolate hair Svyatoslav Balan / Getty Oriental shorthairs are friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive cats that love being around people and fellow furry friends. If you plan your annual birthday fête between May 21 and June 20, you were born under the mutable air sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that also rules transportation and technology. You're very much a communicative people person who's happiest when you're flitting from one event or appointment or hang to the next. The cat best suited to your astrological personality is the Oriental shorthair, known for being friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive. They love being around people and fellow felines just as much as you. Other social breeds that'll suit your curious, high-energy personality: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Cancer woman holding her ragdoll cat with bright blue eyes Nataša Kogoj / Getty Ragdolls love... .

Russian Nebelung Paint

for Leo Maine Coon Cat Alexandra Jursova / Getty If you celebrate your birthday between July 23 and Aug. 22, you were born under fixed fire sign Leo, ruled by the vitality-bringing sun, which oversees identity and self-image. You're vivacious, upbeat, and love the spotlight. The cat that fits best with your cheerful, action-oriented personality is the Maine coon, a very large (Lion-esque!), incredibly intelligent, and fun-loving breed known to be playful well into their senior years. Other fiery breeds that complement your bold, high-spirited personality: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Virgo siamese cat sitting on couch Daria Chichkareva / Shutterstock The dog-like Siamese is often described as a "Velcro kitty." He loves his humans deeply, and will always want to be by their sideif not in their lap! If your birthday is between Aug. 23 and Sept. 22, you were born under mutable earth sign Virgo, ruled by Mercury, which rules communication, transportation, and technology. You're a perfectionist and detail-oriented, always striving to help your nearest and dearest with your information-gathering skills. The cat that is the best complement to your loving, communicative personality: the Siamese, which is known to be bright, intelligent, and charming. Other brainy breeds who complement your service-oriented, compassionate personality: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Libra birman lying on a bed with woman StockPhotoPro / Adobe Stock Birman coats can be a few different colors, but the cats' eyes are always a striking... .

Russian Nebelung Paint

generations for its gorgeous markings and sweet, mild temperament. Other charming breeds who would fit with your social butterfly nature: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Scorpio grey nebelung cat lying near window tashka2000 / Adobe Stock Nebelungs crave quiet and routine. They prefer to be the only pet at home and can be stressed around rambunctious children. If you celebrate your birthday between Oct. 24 and Nov. 21, you were born under fixed water sign Scorpio, co-ruled by aggressive Mars, the planet of action, and powerful Pluto, the planet of transformation. You're laser-focused on your goals, prefer to be in charge, and deeply emotional, perhaps a bit protectivemaybe even possessivewhen you care strongly about someone or something. The cat breed that fits best with your beguiling personality is the Nebelung, which is a beautiful, loving, loyal cat that thrives on stability and routine. Other magnetic, intelligent breeds that complement your powerful, mysterious demeanor: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Sagittarius Close up of Pixie-Bob's face IslandLeigh / Getty If you celebrate your birthday between Nov. 22 and Dec. 21, you were born under mutable fire sign Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and fortune. You love entertaining, exploring, and are known to be adventurous. You likely have wanderlust that can only be satiated by hitting the roador ideally grabbing your passport. The cat breed that best reflects your jovial, globe-trotting, go-big-or-go-home nature is the Pixie-bob, which looks as wild as you... .

Russian Nebelung Paint

discipline, commitment, and maturity. You want to appear confident and in control and aim to put your nose to the grindstone when it comes to just about every endeavor. After all, your ultimate goal is to get to the peak of the mountain like your symbol, the Sea Goat. The cat breed that would complement your pragmatic approach best: the ocicat, which is extremely active and intelligent, much like you. Other go-getter breeds that would pair well with your industrious personality: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Aquarius grey cornish rex cat with owner Jaroslaw Kurek / Shutterstock If you celebrate your birthday between Jan. 20 and Feb. 18, you were born under the fixed air sign Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, which oversees rebellion, revolution, change, and electricity. You're future-minded, happiest when you're spending time with a team, group, or network of friends, and tend to strike out against convention, preferring toas Fleetwood Mac once sanggo your own way. The cat that fits best with your outgoing, avant-garde personality: the Cornish rex, known for their eye-catching appearance and high-energy, playful personality, which makes them truly uniquejust like you. Other personable but independent breeds that you'll appreciate for their eccentric style: Most Compatible Cat Breeds for Pisces white Khao Manee outdoors, having one blue eye and one gold eye naenaejung / Adobe Stock Khao Manees are active, playful, and smart cats. They can pick up training cues quickly and learn to walk on a... .
