Paint The Weekend Red With This Romero And Julieta Cocktail Recipe And Ragdoll Paint Red

ragdoll paint red

Ragdoll Paint Red

Summer weekends are as intoxicating as summer love and even better when accompanied by a refreshing cocktail. Romero and Julieta is the perfect blend of rosemary syrup with freshly brewed hibiscus tea, powered by the buttery flavor of CaliFino's reposado. Get in touch with your earthy side as sprigs ragdoll


of rosemary and hibiscus flowers dance together for a symphony of flavor. Pour over ice and enjoy! Courtesy of CaliFino Ingredients 2 oz. of CaliFino Reposado 1 oz. of Rosemary Syrup 3 oz. of Hibiscus Tea 1 oz. of.
ragdoll paint red

Ragdoll Paint Red

Dried Hibiscus Flowers 0.5 oz. of Fresh Lime Juice 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar 2 Sprigs of Rosemary Directions To make the rosemary syrup, combine sugar, rosemary, and 1 cup of water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook.
ragdoll paint red

Ragdoll Paint Red

until the sugar has dissolved or for about three minutes. Remove from heat and let cool, then strain. To make the tea, bring hibiscus and one cup of water to a boil over high heat in a small saucepan. Cook for three minutes, then let cool before.
ragdoll paint red

Ragdoll Paint Red

straining. To make the cocktail, combine tea, tequila, syrup, lime juice, and 1/2 cup water in a cocktail shaker filled with ice; shake vigorously, then strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with rosemary sprig. You can find the original cocktail recipe here.
