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A pet owner whose Russian-imported Savannah cat was not classified as a dangerous species at the time of acquisition, has been cleared of breaching animal welfare regulations. Mark John Mizzi, 38, faced criminal prosecution over a cat he imported, complete with a pedigree certificate, last year. According to that certificate, the cat was a 'Savannah F1' - the offspring of a pure serval father, Gay Julius Caesar and a hybrid mother, Ariel Royalstatuscat. The cat is characterised by distinctively large ears, longer than those of the ordinary domestic cat, and coat markings similar to those of the serval, ‘dangerous’ species. The pet owner was charged with various breaches under the Owning and Keeping of Dangerous Animals Regulations, which classify various categories of animals as ‘dangerous.’ The man pleaded not guilty to the charges concerning the pet he kept at Balzan dating back to May 2021, when the Savannah cat was not explicitly listed as ‘dangerous’ in terms of the law. Nonetheless, the prosecution argued that the cat fell within the definition of a dangerous animal in terms of Schedule B of the 2016 regulations drawn up by the Director responsible for Veterinary Services. 'Not a pure serval breed' Under the savannah cat price

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the Department of the Interior. Several other Republicans argued that the House should be spending time addressing other topics like inflation or the Southern border, and that regulation of private big cat ownership should be left to the states. Irby called the complaints about time spent on the issue “ridiculous, in light of the fact that everyone had plenty of time to practice and dedicate resources to the Congressional Baseball Game this week, which really does little to nothing to help the American people.”VA medical facilities struggle to cope with the coronavirus
As she treated patient after patient infected with the coronavirus at a Veterans Affairs medical center in New York City, Heather Espinal saw stark warning signs. So many nurses had called in sick, she said, that the Bronx facility was woefully understaffed. It lacked specially equipped rooms for infected patients, she said, and didn’t have enough masks, gloves and other protective gear to guard against the spread of the contagious disease. Espinal, 34, says she and her colleagues were told to do the best they could, using a single N95 face mask for an entire shift rather than getting a new one for each patient. In early April, savannah cat personality

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will begin Saturday at 9 a.m. Pacific on the Beatles’ official artist channel, where viewers are encouraged to follow along with lyrics appearing at the bottom of the screen during each musical number. “For those of you missing singing together, I’ve got good news,” said Ringo Starr in a promo video posted Wednesday on Twitter. “Tune in ... for a special ‘Yellow Submarine’ movie sing-along for kids and kids at heart. Peace and love.” Read more > > > Orange County reports its highest coronavirus hospitalization count Orange County heath officials on Wednesday confirmed 67 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 1,753, and one additional COVID-19 death. The county also reported its highest number of hospitalizations, with 162 patients being treated for the virus, including 70 who are in intensive care. Roughly 20,145 of the county’s 3.2 million residents have been tested for COVID-19. Most who have tested positive are between the ages of 45 and 64. Of the 34 people who have died, 32% were in the 45-64 age group and 59% were 65 or older. Cases have been reported in at least 38 Orange County communities, with the largest number in Anaheim, the county’s most populous city savannah cat colors

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when shopping. The other 15 states followed over the past two days. In Germany, state governments are ultimately responsible for imposing and loosening lockdowns. U.K. social distancing may stay in place the rest of the year, chief medical adviser says LONDON The British government’s chief medical adviser has warned that social distancing measures in the U.K. may well have to stay in place for the rest of the year. Chris Whitty said at the government’s daily briefing that he was confident a vaccine would have “proof of concept” well within a year. But he said the probability of having that, or a treatment, any time this calendar year was “incredibly small.” As a result, he said, “We’re going to have to rely on other social measures, which of course are very socially disruptive as everyone is finding at the moment.” He said lawmakers would have to decide what mix of measures would have to remain in place once the U.K. passed the peak of coronavirus infections. Two pet cats in New York test positive NEW YORK Two pet cats in New York state have tested positive for the coronavirus, marking the first cases in companion animals in the f7 savannah cat

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Seal Beach and Laguna Beach closed their beaches entirely. Still, Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Whalen expressed concern this week in a letter to Supervisor Lisa Bartlett, who represents a swath of south Orange County, that leaving the county beaches adjacent to Laguna Beach open would put the health of residents at risk. Read more>>> JPMorgan’s small business loans went to its biggest customers JPMorgan Chase & Co. provided loans to virtually all of its commercial banking customers that sought financing through the small business relief program while the lender’s smallest customers were almost entirely shut out through another channel, according to data disclosed by the bank. About 5,500 larger, and sometimes more sophisticated, customers of JPMorgan’s commercial banking business applied for funding through the Paycheck Protection Program, part of the $2-trillion CARES Act that Congress adopted in late March. Nearly all of them got loans, according to the bank’s data. More than 300,000 customers of JPMorgan’s business banking unit, which serves smaller firms, applied for loans. About 18,000 were funded, for a 6% success rate. JPMorgan made a total of $14 billion in small-business loans through the federal program. Read more>>> Zoos struggle to find funds to feed animals, who savannah tabby cat mix

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hotspots like Los Angeles County and Silicon Valley.Read more>>> Column: Coronavirus reminds Asian Americans like me that our belonging is conditional Actor John Cho (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times) I called my parents a few nights ago to tell them to be cautious when stepping out of the house, because they might be targets of verbal or even physical abuse. It felt so strange. Our roles had flipped. My plea mirrored the admonitions I received from them as a child growing up in Houston. The world, they cautioned, was hostile and it viewed us as strangers. So they warned me to stick close to my family. Close to my kind. The fact that the coronavirus seems to have originated in China has spawned a slew of anti-Asian hate crimes. Across the country, Asian American parents and children are making versions of the call I made. Friends are sharing first-hand accounts of abuse on text chains and circulating articles on Facebook, always ending with the suddenly ominous “stay safe.” Growing up, the assumption was that once we became American enough, there would be no need for such warnings that we would be safe. To that end, my parents encouraged.

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like spirits through the trees. Both revered and feared as myths and man-eaters they prowl unseen through the wind-rattled stems of sugarcane fields and the deep sal forests. Yet for all their stealth there are whistleblowers who would give them away. So it was when a guttural bark stopped us in our tracks. “Common spotted deer,” said Amith Bangre, hearing the call and hastily performing a U-turn in our safari vehicle. “It’s been spooked by a tiger.” Sunset was due. We’d spent the afternoon in Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary, part of Dudwah National Park in northern India, looking for tigers. With the deer’s distress call the forest hushed meditatively quiet. No more woodpeckers headbanging away like hyperactive glockenspielists as Kishanpur fell under the thrall of Durga the warrior goddess’ fearsome striped steed. Yet when a roar came it was from a less-anticipated source. Human not feline. “It was behind us,” Amith stammered. “I saw the tiger’s tail disappear into the jungle.” I saw nothing and so my big cat curse prevailed. I’d previously failed to see Indian tigers, had a poor track record with African leopards, and South American jaguars proved equally elusive. My three-day quest to see a tiger quickly.

F5 Savannah Cat
the United States, Gibbons said, but rarely does anyone die from their bites. But Gibbons cautioned that while copperheads tend to be less dangerous, some pets will might react more severely to a snake bite. Gibbons said it's important to note that there's a wide diversity of snakes, many of which can look similar to copperheads, such as gray rat snakes, corn snakes, brown and banded watersnakes and the eastern hognose snake, all of which are nonvenomous. "Copperheads are beautiful animals that are integral and part of our natural environment. We shouldn't try to get rid of them any more than we try to get rid of butterflies or tree frogs or alligators," Gibbons said. "They're all part of what's supposed to be here." Marisa Mecke is an environmental journalist. She can be reached at or by phone at (912) 328-4411. This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Snake bite season: How to keep your pet safe, get treatment for and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links. Dogs bring endless joy to our lives, but they can also be menaces. Whether it’s because they’re marking furniture, trampling.
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